Arivo11 is a young but ambitious company situated in Trier, Germany, next to Luxembourgh. Our team has 11 member, aged 16 to 19 and produces an "All-in-One" schoolfolder. Further details see here. The name "Arivo" has its roots in the spanish word "Archivado" and means "Folder". Togehter with the number of our member it forms our company name. As a school that has been taking part in the "Juniorprojekt" since 1999 we are very interested in finding new ways to sell our product. We wanted to do something totally new that gives us an advantage compared to the other companys for the federal contest in June 2010. So we chose "Enterprise without borders".
An overwiev about our departments you can get on www.arivo11.com.
Source: Trierischer Volksfreund (Photo: Julia Kalck), Article: "Manager im Klassenraum"
Info: marketing@arivo11.de